Spyparty online
Spyparty online

The volunteers are partially lured by the handful of free exhibitor badges provided in exchange for their help, but more by their desire to evangelize for a game unlike any other. Each year the top players in the world instinctively fly north at the end of the summer, like confused geese, to volunteer at developer Chris Hecker's modest booth. What you may not know is that SpyParty has been among the exhibitors at PAX for six consecutive years, and that PAX is where the game's dedicated community shines the brightest. You're probably also familiar with the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), an annual convention in Seattle where video game creators and studios display their products for tens of thousands of gamers.

spyparty online

You know that it's an asymmetric multiplayer game where one player is trying to blend in with AI-controlled guests at a fancy cocktail party and the other is a Sniper watching the party from the outside with one bullet, trying to figure out which partygoer to lodge it in. If you're the type of person who reads articles like this (and it appears that you are), you probably already know about SpyParty.

Spyparty online